
1 min read
Anyways, breathe. Breathe. Pausing here, as I write the words, to feel the oxygen filling me as if for the first time. Noticing. ...

3 min read
Walking Each Other Home
We are on a late afternoon walk, my 10 year old daughter and I, on this Wednesday afternoon. School and work are done for the day, and...

3 min read
Giving And Receiving
It is 2:46 am and I am sitting at my kitchen counter eating cold pizza. I awoke about 45 minutes ago, and the timer in my mind knows...

1 min read
Creeping through the hallways of my dreams What is true? What is the mind, spinning half awake half asleep half truths? Even in the...

1 min read
The blank page is like the blank morning sky at 5:30 and 6:10 and 6:30. A canvas I have seen infinite times before and yet never like...

3 min read
Magnitude of Love
This past weekend, I had the opportunity to attend the Wisdom 2.0 conference in San Francisco, California. This conference is rapidly...

3 min read
Made Up Rules
I have a confession to make. Last week, here on my blog, I published a poem I had written called “Dreams and Hail.” I had written the...

1 min read
Dreams And Hail
Sometimes words visit me in the middle of the night, flashes of poetry and song. And I feel like a dreamcatcher, a witness of stories...

3 min read
Noticing Time
It is 10:05 pm on Wednesday night. Within these four walls, my children sleep. I write and dream and read and eat chocolate chip...

1 min read
The Weight of Silence
Why have I been silent all of these years? A quiet, sterile surface, afraid of not having answers, afraid of my own ignorance and...

3 min read
“Have I made enough progress? ” she asked, electric anxiety coursing through her words, and a certain familiar tremble in her voice. ...

3 min read
Returning Home
I wish all of you could see me as I try to write this post. Let me do my best to paint a picture for you. It is Wednesday evening,...

3 min read
The Years Are Short
As 2016 winds down, I am amazed at how quickly another year has flown by. The quote that comes to my mind is this one: “The days are...

2 min read
Staying Open
I remember being a very sensitive child growing up. I was always attuned to the emotional state of others, aware of energetic shifts and...

3 min read
The Art of Intention Setting
I believe in the power of setting intentions. These days, I find that when I open my eyes, I feel quickly overwhelmed. I think about all...

2 min read
The Power Of Words
As someone who has always loved to read and write, I have always believed in the immense power of words. Words create beauty, evoke...

3 min read
The Way Forward
To be honest, in light of last’s week’s election, I felt a great deal of pressure to say something about the outcome. To be even more...

4 min read
In Front Of Our Very Eyes
This is a brief life. Our time here doesn’t last forever, although lately, I find myself acting as if it will. Sometimes, we get caught...

4 min read
Dear me, Love me
Last week, I participated in a beautiful yoga class that involved reflecting on the cycle of life, from birth to aging to death. From...

3 min read
Practicing Love
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” (Mother Teresa) We belong to each other indeed, and...